Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down

Everyone should live in a small town during the springtime. There is a phenomenon which takes place the first time the sun shines on our little hibernating town when suddenly everyone comes out of hibernation together and it is as though all of people on the street with me are suddenly my friends. We smile at each other, we compliment the other's sunny dress or cheerful shoes and scarf. The flowers burst out in magnificent colors and the trees match the flowers in cheerful shades of green. It is hard to believe that a month ago we rushed to our cars in coats and frowns when all around us the world is almost dancing with excitement and new life. I have never experienced such a glorious and long-awaited spring. I feel almost as though I'm in a movie some days as I rush around trying to soak up as much sunlight as possible, unable to wipe the cheesy grin off of my face, only to see it reflected in the people around me as we conspiratorially remind each other that this is why we live in the midwest: so that we can experience the sheer, unadulterated delight and anticipation of changing seasons. We dream of corn on the cob, late night bonfires, afternoons by the pool, shorts, sandals, popsicles, late night walks under the stars, barbecues, homemade ice cream, naps, hammocks, picnics, and on and on the list goes getting longer with each passing day. In this whole week, two people have especially gotten how I feel: Emily Dickinson and Jim Croce. Laugh if you will, but their words have echoed and echoed through my mind as I've flitted through the sunshine. Listen to what they say and see if the words don't echo a little through your mind as you also experience this process of thawing out...

A light exists in spring
Not present on the year
At any other period.
When March is scarcely here

A color stands abroad
On solitary hills
That science cannot overtake,
But human nature feels.

It waits upon the lawn;
It shows the furthest tree
Upon the furthest slope we know;
It almost speaks to me.


Make what you will of them, but then also tell me that you don't feel the same sense of longing for meaning and beauty and sincerity as you watch the world around you bursting into life!


  1. I'm coming out of hibernation mode myself...the song that keeps playing in my head is 'I'm gonna soak up the sun'
    even though i don't know how spring feels or looks like (we don't have seasons in Kenya :-)..) i can relate to that feeling, a rising to newness of life, celebrating HOPE in that our Lord is indeed Risen!!

  2. Friend! You got it! Hope that HE IS RISEN! I have missed our skype chats. Hope all is well in your world...

  3. I have missed them too...i never see you online anymore. Things have been quite hectic and they still are...hence the hibernation but I needed that reminder that HE IS INDEED RISEN...can we skype?

  4. Life has been hectic here as well so I have also been in skype and facebook hibernation, but I would love to have some skype time with you! Let me know when you are free and perhaps we can work something out...

  5. awesome! how about this coming Friday...say around 6a.m. your time :-)

  6. I can't promise to be fully awake, but you've got yourself a deal. I'll make some tea and we'll have a real-life official chat...
